Besarion Andro:
"Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this isn't a dream. I never in a million years believed that making profits could possible be this easy. And yet, every time I look at my bank account, I realize that this is real. #blessed that I found you."
Eckhard Ludolf:
"Hey PredictionShop. Just wanted to write a quick note to say AWESOME WORK. I don't even know if you realize this, but you haven't been wrong on one of your predictions in more than 9 days. This has been the wildest stretches of time in my entire life... you're making me a very happy man."
Bai Jiang:
"€30,000. That's what I've made in the last three months, and it's all thanks to you! I'll be a life long fan and supporter, thank you so much for sharing your predictions."